Sunday 29 June 2014


I have been practising taking photographs of flowers, plants and scenes that I have seen out and about and in my garden.



  1. Great photography Libby I really like the Allium at the top it is a great photo, I like how you have the flower in focus and the garden behind much softer. Have you looked at the rule of thirds while working on your art work? this is a perfect example of how that rule works and helps create good composition.

  2. These are wonderful photos, Libby. You clearly have a great eye for detail and also how to compose a really good photo. My personal favourite is the one of the leaf with rain drops, but they are all gorgeous. They'd make great cards.

  3. Comment from Amanda - sent by email on 1 August 2014

    Just lovely.
    Love the new growth on the conifer ( Yew?)
    and the stump with all its shady, dappled, sunny bits. You have captured how it is an ecosystem in itself.
    All of the photos show the beauty of plants that can often missed.

  4. Great pictures Libby, I love the raindrops on the leaf however they are all lovely and could easily be from a plant/gardening catalogue. You show a real talent for photography
